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The Superior Safeguard of Written Contracts over Verbal Agreements


In the realm of contract law, the distinction between written contracts and verbal agreements can often be the deciding factor in the enforceability and clarity of a party’s agreement. While both forms of contracts can be legally valid (save where written agreements are prescribed in law), written contracts offer a wealth of benefits and protections that verbal agreements simply cannot match. This article examines the reasons why written contracts are considered to be the safer option compared to their verbal counterparts from a legal standpoint.

The Enforceability of Written Contracts

The primary advantage of written contracts lies in their enforceability. Written documents provide a tangible record of the parties’ intentions and the terms of their agreement, which can be critical if a dispute arises. Certain types of contracts are even required by law to be in writing to be enforceable. This typically includes contracts for the sale of land and long-term agreements that cannot be performed within one year, among others. Without a written contract, these types of agreements could be deemed void by a court.

Clarity of Terms

Written contracts lay down the exact terms and conditions of an agreement, reducing the possibility of misunderstandings. When both parties have the same documented information, it helps to ensure that all parties have a clear understanding of their obligations and rights under the contract. Verbal agreements, by contrast, can be prone to the failures of memory and subjective interpretation, leading to considerable ambiguity.

Evidence in Litigation

If a contract dispute leads to litigation, a written contract serves as a crucial piece of evidence. It can be presented in court to demonstrate the agreement’s particulars and the parties’ understanding at the time the contract was executed. Verbal agreements, on the other hand, can devolve into a ‘he said, she said’ situation that makes it difficult for a judge or jury to determine the facts of the case.

Preventing Fraud

A written contract can protect parties against fraud by providing proof of the agreement and its specifics, which can be verified against the actions of the parties. Fraudulent claims can be more easily disputed when there is written evidence contradicting the deceitful party’s assertions.

Modification of Contract

Written contracts often contain provisions that specify how changes to the agreement should be made, which generally must be in writing to be valid. This reduces the risk of one party unilaterally and orally modifying the agreement, which could lead to uncertainty and disputes. Verbal agreements, in contrast, could be subject to change without such clear documentation, leaving the terms open to continuous renegotiation and contention.

Statutory Requirements

Various statutes may require written contracts for them to be legally binding. For instance, consumer protection laws often necessitate written agreements for goods or services to allow for full disclosure and an opportunity for the consumer to understand the terms before agreeing. Failing to have a written contract under these circumstances can lead to legal non-compliance and associated penalties.

Mitigating Miscommunication

Miscommunication is a common issue in verbal agreements, as the nuances of language and the reliability of memory can alter one’s interpretation over time. Written contracts can serve as a permanent reference point, mitigating the risks associated with oral miscommunication. They ensure that the details of the agreement are not lost or misconstrued as time passes.

Corporate Governance

For companies, having written contracts is not only a matter of legal necessity but also a best practice in corporate governance. Documenting agreements in writing aids in the efficient management of corporate affairs, ensuring accountability and transparency and providing clear records for financial reporting and auditing purposes.


The superiority of written contracts over verbal agreements is well-recognized in the legal community. Written contracts offer a host of advantages, including enforceability, clarity, protection against fraud, and compliance with statutory requirements. They provide a steadfast record of the parties’ intentions and understandings that can minimize legal risks and preserve harmonious business and personal relationships. In a legal landscape that values evidence and clarity, written contracts serve as a bulwark against the uncertainty and potential disputes inherent in verbal agreements. While trusting in one’s word has an allure of simplicity and cordiality, the safety provided by written agreements in protecting legal rights and obligations cannot be overstated. For individuals and businesses alike, taking the time to draft and execute written contracts is a prudent investment in safeguarding their interests for the long term.

Easy Contracts makes obtaining your valid, binding and professionally drafted written contract easy, quick and cost-effective.